Why book online?
Booking on-line gives you many advantages: when you book online, you get a discount not available in store. It also gives you peace of mind that the product you have booked has been professionally prepared and is ready for you for the dates you need.
Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?
Our payments are made through Paypal. You don't have to have an account with Paypal - a variety of payment cards are accepted including Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express
How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?
Faure Sport is protected by https - secure browsing. It means all communications between your browser and the website are encrypted.
Can I change my boots if I need to?
Yes - we will happily make sure you have a comfortable pair of boots and can change them instore
Can I rent sledges and snowshoes?
Yes! Visit our shop in Sauze d'Oulx where we have a variety of equipment for rent
What happens if I have a problem with my equipment or want or change something?
If you have any problems with your equipment during your holiday, you can simply visit us at our shop. In case of damage, it's always worth having your own insurance or our ski & snowboard insurance
Do you have ski & snowboard clothing and accessories?
Yes we do. Our shop has an extensive range of clothing and accessories for skiing & snowboarding plus biking, hiking and much more.